Monday, 9 June 2014

Week 15 Post 3 The Power of ICT

We used to know that ICT tools is a source of tools that help us and our children in this 21st century. Through today’s sharing by our lecturer, I learned and aware that ICT makes a great impact in special need children’s life. I came to realised the power to ICT which is inclusive of every individual.
There are 2 videos that I would like to share. The first video is about a boy who has celebral palsy but still interested to create and edit videos, do web design and communicate using the internet with the people around. His ability did not stop him from his interest. He can be found on Twitter.

Week 15 Post 2 New journey educator

Today, I have realized that how ICTs become so important in society nowadays, it is impacting everyone. Of course, there will be pros and cons as well. As educator, although I have learned that integrating ICTs to support children’s learning is important, but I still believe that it always need a balance in using ICTs and traditional way when planning lessons.
The semester has come to an end, it is my last prayer that I will pass this course with a flying color result.

Week 15 Post 1 Are you good teacher?

Strange enough, my last semester in BECH did not ask us to reflect on this matter “What is the definition of a good teacher” (maybe we are expected to know this much earlier)

If I am to describe the profession or quality of a teacher I would say a good teacher is one who brings interests in children’s learning, understands the unique qualities of the child, respect their individual differences, accept their families, prepare, organize and strive to produce children of critical thinkers, shows patience and responsibility in the job

week 14 post 3 Technology integration planing

There are variety of models and frameworks in EDC 3100. Technology Integration Planning (TIP) is one of the models which designed to guide teachers.

What is TIP model?
“The Technology Integration Planning (TIP) Model was designed to give teachers a systematic way to address the challenges involved in integrating technology into teaching (Roblyer, 2003). By carrying out the steps in each of the model’s five phases, teachers perform a set of planning, implementation, and assessment activities that help assure their technology use will be both efficient and successful in meeting the needs they have identified” (Wiencke and Roblyer, 2004 as cited in Jones, 2013).

Week 14 Post 2 blown from google

Do you think Siri from Iphone is cool? Which you can command a phone to do something.
Here is something cooler and mind blown technology from Google named Google Glass! It looks like a pair of spectacle and you wear it like a spectacle. You can command the Google Glass to do things like take a picture on the spot. Just say “take a picture” and it will capture a photo.
You can record what you see without holding it, because you are wearing it. It’s hands-free!
You can even connect to your friends and show them live events!
You can get direction from it as well!
More.. more and MORE!!!
All you need to do is command and Google Glass will do it for you. It’s hands-free, everything happen in the small little glass. It’s so compact and convenient. Watch this video and you will find out a lot more amazing things that Google Glass can do!

Week 14 Post 1 how tablet help in childrens education

Young children are increasingly using tablets as well as smartphones and other devices with touch screens) in early education settings and with family members. This raises important questions, such as when and how these devices can be used with young children.

Intentional choices: Selecting the right tool for the task

Whether choosing a traditional or a new tool, such as a tablet, teachers need a clear understanding of
  • how the tool can meet identified educational and life goals for a child or for a group of children; 
  • the functions of various tools;
  • how to monitor children’s engagement and progress, and adjust tasks accordingly;
  • and the children’s interests and preferences—individually 

Monday, 26 May 2014

Week 13 Post 3 Ipad/Ipod in classroom

Many schools around the world are implementing technology into classroom, iPads or iPods is one of the devices. The device that changed everything is now changing the classroom where learners have another level of learning experience. iPads inspires creativity and hands-on learning with features that can’t find in any other educational tool – on a device that learners are and will explicitly engage and participate in or use. iPads/iPods allows learners to engage with content in an interactive ways, find information in an instant, and access an entire library wherever they go or do. 

Week13 Post 2 Can ICT manage children behaviours?

CT is definitely the language of this generation. Children are born into this ICT era and they love ICT naturally. By considering this nature of today’s generation, I find that ICT integration is a way to manage children behaviour. Children tend to be more engaged in lessons when ICT is integrated as they are eager to play the tool. As it is one of their favourite activities, adding and withdrawing ICT integration can be one of the reinforcement. I have tried using computer time as a reinforcement to manage children’s behaviour and the result is satisfying. For example, computer times is cancelled as the consequence for misbehaving in the class

Week 13 Post 1 What educator said about ICT

Educators feel that ICT is an integral part of the learning process. Language learning ICT resources have been perceived as that which offers support and consolidated learner’s proficiency in language (Hawkins, 2002). Educators have also argued that the use of ICT in classroom puts into use the applications that are developed with changing times and technological advancement (Lankshear, & Snyder, 2000). This actually helps to prepare students for their future careers. 

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Week 12 Post 3 Interest Camera

In my previous learning experience I had realized what an immense impact a ICT component such as a Camera would contribute to a lesson plan. I had understood that the use of ICT has brought a different dimension to my perception in the methods of using the camera and the perspectives as a result of the pictures take. The ability to introduce such a device captured the attention and interest with the children. They had a great time learning the functions of the camera so they could take photos of their peers and their surroundings.

Week 12 Post 2 Practicum

I have already started my professional experiences going smoothly. i had lot of fun with my children , they able show more interest in my lesson which i prepare for them.Throughout my learning experience in this course, I have looked many sites, blog and do some reading too. I was aware that many great web site like games, online for the children to use for their learning. When, I busy surf internet for getting some ideas for lesson, I have discovered interesting 

Week 12 Post 1 Still facebooking

 Do you know of anyone who does not have a facebook account? Yes, I do. However, I can say that in my circle of friends, I do only know one of them who does not use Facebook for social networking. Facebook is known as the largest social media around the world. The founder, Mark Zuckerberg started it up since year 2004 and it is constantly updating until today.
Get into this page to have detail background of Facebook.
What I do like about Facebook?
1. It help me to get back in contact with the old friends or the long lost friend
2. Absolutely helpful during this course, where our lecture created a EDC3100 group so that she or rather all of us could share any interesting sources, urgent matter or things related to assignments
3. We get to share interesting videos, links that are meaning and interesting.
4. Get the fastest news, it is even faster than the TV news report.

Friday, 16 May 2014

Week 11 Post 5 Magic Box

Magic Box". Half teaching tool, half toy, the box is designed to teach children about modern technologies in a playful way.

The Magic Box is proving very popular with children of different age and learning abilities, who can operate the device with an electric pen or with a mouse and keyboard, and learn new skills in a fun and stimulating environment.The Magic Box was developed by Prague-based firm Projektmedia, who specialise in computer equipment and mounting interactive boards for schools, which proved to be unsuitable for younger children who are naturally more accustomed to playing on the floor.

Week 11 Post 4 Preparing for professional experiences

Its time to start my profession experience and finally this will be the last professional experience for me. 
-I must know the school contexts
-Available ICT resources in school
-Student needs
-Planning the lesson to teach or children
-choosing few theme and topic to teach
I felt easy for me to  create the lesson for children because i doing practicum in the same school were i working, i have already know what is student, what type of lesson to deliver them and how to integrated ict in their leaning 

Week 11 Post 3 Vintage Technology


I found this video in my friend post .It is  funny to watch the children guessing . So I went on YouTube and searched for the video and found another gem  .Itis very confuse to see them when their communicate in phone.Thinking back how I used my phone, I feel that it was so cool and I love it. The children in the video said it was so complicated and I thought back why I didn’t feel complicated during the time I used it. 

Week 11 Post 2 what is ICT on today onwards?

The successful integration of ICT in lesson indeed made the lesson interesting and improve the quality of learning for the children, and of course there are failure times as well with the ICT. However what is it from here on-wards. As practical comes to an end quickly, and tomorrow being the last day in school. I was wondering what will I be doing with ICT, how will I use it to the max to integrate learning in the future. Along side with Neeno, we had implemented a few combined ICT lesson. She strikes out one important point of how ICT can be used in capturing attention before the class. With the guidance from the mentor, I come to see that ICT can indeed be used for

Week 11 post 1 Topic of interest ICTs and Early Childhood

Throughout my learning experience in this course, I have looked many sites, blog and do some reading too. I was aware that many great web site like games, online for the children to use for their learning. When, I busy surf internet for getting some ideas for lesson, I have discovered interesting and useful web resources for the children. There one web site might help children to present their work, you might want to check out- storyboard generator andItch-A-Skitch-an online game .
Furthermore, while I preparing lesson for my professional experience, my mentor suggest me to use listening device to make the children able to get the instruction clearly and at the same time, easy to manage the classroom.children might show more interest.
Here is the link for teacher to know the need for children to use headphones-Engaging Early Years Foundation Stage children in computer-based play: A guide for practitioners

Friday, 9 May 2014

Week 10 Post 3 Planning of Assignment

Today class Ms.Kim explain to us about approach to planning ICT integration.How we going to involve the ICT integration in each and every lesson.she taught us what ICT to put in lesson , how to make more interresting and how children can attracted to the activities.Plus she ask us  to provide a simple and clear explanation of how you will appraoch the  planning of ICT integration in the lesson.

Assignment 3 break up to 4 parts which is:

Part A: Learning Journal

Part B - Preparation and Planning

Part C - Lesson Plans
Part D - Evaluation and lessons learned

5%Learning journalAs per assignments 1 and 2
10%Preparation500-1000 words. A description of your Professional Experience context and how you plan to integrate ICTs into the lessons you teach.
5%Lesson plans5 of the lesson plans you taught on Professional Experience, including reflection.
20%Evaluation and lessons learned1000-1500 words. Evaluating your ICT integration on Professional Experience and identifying lessons you've learned for next time.

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Week 10 Post 2 lego robotic

Lego Robotics seems so fun to work with, but it is usually used with children from Grade 5 onwards. The Lego Mindstorms NTX offers a wide range of activities you could use it for especially in your classroom. This video below shows how to incorporate these with the younger age groups of Year 1 & 2 students with the help of the Year 6 students who will fix it up and work together. It is not suitable for the younger age group like those in Foundation year for it would be too complex to understand. Recently when I was watching Running Man, a Korean TV Variety Show, I found out that this is the Top 5 toys that children want for their Christmas present!! If I were a child of their age (year 5 onwards) I think I would love to try my hands at it too!

Week 10 Post 1 How Interactive White Board help in classroom

Interactive whiteboards are an effective way to interact with 
digital content and multimedia in a multi-person learning 
environment. Learning activities with an interactive 
whiteboard may include, but are not limited to the following:

• Manipulating text and images
• Making notes in digital ink
• Saving notes for later review by using e-mail, the 
Web or print
• Viewing websites as a group
• Demonstrating or using software at the front of a 
room without being tied to a computer
• Creating digital lesson activities with templates, 
images and multimedia
• Writing notes over educational video clips
• Using presentation tools that are included with the 
whiteboarding software to enhance learning materials
• Showcasing student presentations


Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Week 9 Post 3 Measuring the success of ICTs integration

In one of the learning activities, I have opportunity to share my thoughts about measuring the success of ICT integration.
For me, I believe the measure of success in ICT integration for children’s learning is that children able to enjoy throughout the lesson, due to that, they able to apply their content knowledge that they have learned and make meaning in their learning through different learning experiences. This falls back to the role of teachers.The role of teacher’s in planning learning environment with the integration of ICTs will bring an impact in children’s learning. The success of ICT integration depend on how educators able to utilize ICT as the major support of children’s learning. Integration of ICTs able to enhance teacher’s pedagogical practice and assist student’s learning (Bingimlas, 2009). New technologies also help to increase children motivation in learning (Osborne & Collins, 2000). Teachers should take up the courage to integrate ICTs to achieve the best outcomes in children’s learning.

Bingimlas, K. A. (2009). Barriers to the successful integration of ICT in teaching and learning environments: A review of the literature. Retrieved May 1, 2014 from
Osborne, J., & Collins, S. (2000). Pupils’ and parents’ views of the school science curriculum. London: King’s College London.

Week 9 Post 2 Technologies Foster Short Attentions

As I am doing online research for other assignment, I discovered something interesting that caught my attention about ICTs. Jaffrey Freed, who is the author of Right-Brained Kids in a Left-Brained World, writes that one of the factor for the increased number of children with short attention span is because of our generation children has been saturated with different types of technologies that develop a short attention span. The damage of the focus in the brain in playing computer games or watching too much TV. The constant the sound effects, the flash colors, and changing of images contribute to changing the wiring of the brain by push a left-brained learner towards becoming right-brained learner. He also mentioned further that educational system is designed for the left brained learner, therefore technology as the tool of entertainment is essential to evaluate and observe (Major, 2013)

Week 9 Post 1 E-library

Let’s be honest, now days how many of us are going to library to read or search up for a book? I’m one of them. I feel that its “Old fashion” when we going to library and it is not necessary to go library .Therefore, now everyone carrying an electronic devices, including computers, mobile phones, Ipads and nearly all smartphones that can be used to read E-book. Whenever, the E-readers had their electronic devices, the able to access anywhere rarely, we can see on public transport, classroom even while window shopping. Therefore, now E-readers become requirement for some university and students prefer e-ink or pixel to paper (Institute of Learning Innovation,2013)

Friday, 25 April 2014

Week 8 Post 3 Kids Digital Native

I was scrolling to my peer blog post and found one interesting one and funny post.It is video about new born baby taking a good selfie and it has shown how was our next generation will come up on. Children learn to manipulate gadgets faster than they could say cheese.These days toys are more to technology and more advanced for kids to develop their skill. Children are getting more smarter and smart. 
Just like what Deborah has said it is worked on.When my nephew cried loudly.I will give my ipad to him he would stop crying and he would know that i giving ipad to him to play.


Thursday, 24 April 2014

Week 8 Post 2 Baby Works IPad


Baby working with IPad. Nowaday babies are more amazing and advance to workd with IPad.Babies learn lot through technologies.It is improve them well and also educate in all area too.Toddler could use an ipad like a pro but the reality is that they can pick up things pretty fast. I think it's pretty cool. They are definitely way ahead of the game and as these kids get older, they'll be able to use the ipad to learn school subjects.

Week 8 Post 1 The 5E Learning cycle model

Object, event or question used to engage students.
Connections facilitated between what students know and can do.
Objects and phenomena are explored.
Hands-on activities, with guidance.
Students explain their understanding of concepts and processes.
New concepts and skills are introduced as conceptual clarity and cohesion are sought.
Activities allow students to apply concepts in contexts, and build on or extend understanding and skill.
Students assess their knowledge, skills and abilities. Activities permit evaluation of student development and lesson effectiveness.
This model describes a teaching sequence that can be used for entire programs, specific units and individual lessons. Energy4me lesson plans support the 5E constructivist learning cycle, helping students build their own understanding from experiences and new ideas.
The 5Es represent the five stages of a sequence for teaching and learning: Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaboration and Evaluate. The 5E model was developed by The Biological Science Curriculum Study (BSCS

Sunday, 20 April 2014

Week 7 Post 3 Electronic media good or bad?

Electronic media are keeping children from reading. Is this a fact or myth?
Children today are more attracted to electronic media as this is the technology generation (Donahue, 2009). However, in my opinion, I do not agree that electronic media keeps children from reading. This is because there are so many e-book online. Children may not like to look at a book but with electronic media, they are able to look at video while reading the subtitles that are provided at the bottom of the video. Other than that, there are a lot of applications that encourages children to read such as story application where they show pictures and words.


Friday, 18 April 2014

Week 7 Post 2 How teacher makes changes in technology teaching now

Learning technologies change student-teacher interactions in several ways, but there’s one specifically that really stands out and makes the most difference in our classrooms. Technology has an especially strong effect in the 1:1 classroom, since the students are so in touch with their technology.
Tony Wagner, the first Innovation Education Fellow at the Technology & Entrepreneurship Center at Harvard, and the founder and co-director of the Change Leadership Group at the Harvard Graduate School of Education for more than a decade, recently talked about this in his article ’Graduating All Students Innovation Ready‘..

Technology and the Changing Roles of Teachers

Week 7 Post 1 ICT GAMES

Through these games children learn very fast n quickly. Train up your memory by playing this matching game. You should use as few tries as possible in order to score high marks.Growing a number of resources that student have offered to them at their fingertips now, such as the web and technology,that learning is becoming easier and a lot more enjoyable. This lead youngster to discover even when they don't comprehend that they are carry out so at the time .Children can problem solve, can imagine and represent things in a way that is meaningful to them then it begins the mark making and meaningful representations on .

Matching  Games

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Week 6 Post 3 Bloom Taxanomy

  • Cognitive: mental skills (Knowledge)
  • Affective: growth in feelings or emotional areas (Attitude or self)
  • Psychomotor: manual or physical skills (Skills)

  • Let’s use Blooms Taxanomy as a guide, we can see that theknowledge  as an example for constructing knowledge. The key words in “knowledge” is just within defining, name, record and more. It is just to build the knowledge upon the child. For transforming knowledge, we use “synthesize” as an example. Some of the main key words includes compose, create and design. This determines that children will not only be absorbing the knowledge but also apply new knowledge when they are able to compose, create and more. This  also ensures me that children will learn effectively if both of this knowledge were used during teaching and learning.

    Week 6 Post 2 What is 3D printing?

    What is 3D printing?
    Here is the summary of what is 3D printing and what’s it for?
    1. Health and medicine
    2. Architecture
    3. High-end manufacturing
    4. Education
    5. Retail
    I was asking myself What if there are no ICT use in our daily life? How we going live? Who is going to do our work? How our children learning going to be fun and interesting? How we going to secure the sick people?
    Therefore, we have to thankful to technology that it helping us in different field thus,nowadays the technology tools are been upgraded time to time which make our life easier.

    Week 6 Post 1 what is Google?

    While, I doing my blog, my  Friends ask what this word means, I just tell her wait a minute, let me Google for you to get the meaning. She laughs and said who the people create the Google? and the day before, I was asking her about a few phone feature and she just told me  just Google it, the information just on your fingertips. Therefore, we think Google smarter than us and know the exact answer even, the place directions. I feel that Google have made our life easier and the answer at our fingertips. There is no life without Google. Google really make our work less and even making us lazy to think.Help us lot 

    Sunday, 6 April 2014

    Week 5 Post 1 Unit Plan

    These week I have to start preparing for my assignment two for next few weeks which is unit plan for children as a requirement of the assignment 2. While, I browsing activities for my unit plan online, I feel that ICT play an important role in child and teacher. Previously, I feel ICT bring disadvantages to the children . Start from today, I have change my perspective, that ICT make student’s life easier to learn and get information anywhere and anytime thus, this make the child to be creative  a problem solver and good thinker.

    Sunday, 30 March 2014

    Assignment 1 Part 2 Presentation

    I use prezi to present my part 2 presentation.Click on the link below to go to the presentation:

    Thank you.

    Tuesday, 25 March 2014

    Week 4 post 3 21 century How Technologies look.

     For this week I was thinking about 21 century how technologies look. I wonder how my classroom will look like in the future. Putting this into the main priority, I as an educator have to update myself because; there will be a big competition between us and the technology. This is where the children teaching and learning process will be in a digital. The classroom will be updated with ICT’s equipment such as smart board, computer, digital camera, and interactive board. So children will get chance to learn well by sound, picture and with more technologies bases.

    Week 4 post 2 What I understand about TPACK

    What I understand about Techological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) is the interplay of three primary forms of knowledge: Content (CK),Pedagogy (PK),and Technology (TK).It shows that technology integrate and negate the relationship this three components of knowledge. This model “to describe how teachers’ understanding of technologies and pedagogical content knowledge interact with one another to produce effective teaching with technology.” (Koehler and Mishra. 2008:12) The complexity of developing and applying TPACK will put a greater emphasis on teachers becoming “curriculum designers.” (Koehler and Mishra. 2008:3).

    Through these link we will understand better about TPCAK in 2 minutes.

    Thinking Creatively: Teachers as Designers of Content, Technology and Pedagogy
    by Punya Mishra and Matthew J. Koehler

    Monday, 24 March 2014

    Week 4 post 1 Constructing Knowledge and Transforming Knowledge

    These weeks I have learned about two terms which constructing knowledge and transforming knowledge some explanation and read up, I have a good understanding and does it mean. It just brainstorms activity for our assignment two for unit plan. From my understanding, Constructing Knowledge is as a teacher, what we the students to know, they suppose to know and understanding. However, Transforming Knowledge is as a teacher, we want the students to apply and transform their knowledge. These two knowledge help teacher lot for their need.

    Week 3 post 3 Assignment 1 part 2 discussion

    These week lecture has discuss with us about assignment 1 part 2 topic. In group of pair she ask us to choose one subject , theme or topic ,asking us to discuss How you teach these  theme/subject to them , what material will use to teach them, how  do you use  ICT to teach them these subject/theme  and why do you choose these tools material to teach. All these question asking us to think lot and at last we are able to come with the answer, reason, why and what. Through these activities I have understand to do my assignment 1 part 2 question. These activities help me to solve my question.

    Week 3 post 2 Why we need to teach technology in school?

    Once of online reading I have found about ICT. I agree with Siraj-Blatchord and Siraj-Blacthford (2006) on the four key areas of ICT use in early childhood. One of the elements that children develop in using ICT as learning tools is communication and collaboration which require the students to communicate with each other in order to problem solve. Furthermore these videos believe to be ICT is more important for school nowadays. Technology prepare student to live in the future. It is also engage student, besides this, children develop their creative skills through socio-dramatic play, they can try new things and activate their own creativity.


    Week 3 post 1 How ICT support children's learning

    As I go through this week’s reading material I have come to believe that without ICTs children may not able to increase their literacy development. Children learn more things through ICT it has support children learning development as well their cognitive development too.On my other hand children should have their won initiative to develop their own personal skill.Papert suggests that a computer may only assist a child to “to think about thinking” (Papert, 1980 as cited in Kalaš, 2010). The integration ICTs in teaching can help revitalize teachers and students’ .Thus it help developing in education area for them.


    Papert, S. (1980). Mindstorms: Children, computers and powerful ideas, New York, Basic Books. As cited in Kalaš, I. (2010). Recognizing the potential of ICT in early childhood education. Retrieved March 24th, 2014 from

    Week 2 post 3 Developing software

    I have been exploring the Toolbelt Theory and i feel that we should teach our children how to analyse a task and how to control the problem and developing tool belt. Even i do not know how to use this software but I’m giving myself a try as best I can to improve my skill so I might be able to learn something from here and also help my children how to used it.

    Week 2 post 2 Different technologies

    Every week I’m learning many of new things to update. For this week I have learn how to use different technologies to teach children. We can use prezi to teach them and my voice treads and so on.  As an educator we should develop our own personal learning network to update our self with the information that is being updated from time to time thus, sharing ideas and thoughts with people within the same field or interest all around the world with them. All my friends from BECH groups have set up a facebook group page to update information about EDC3100 and share about their idea here. I felt that there so many things to discover about ICT to teach children.

                                                           Different usage of technologies

    Sunday, 23 March 2014


     In today’s world technology are more important things for children to use. According to Luke (1999), “Children’s early literacy and play experiences are shaped increasingly by electronic media. By including technologies teaching and learning children are able to understand well more clearly and these support children learning and development stages. Using ICTs now for young children not being new for them, they was exploring themselves without anyone assistance like iPad and iPhone. Even I have known about Ict technologies I’m not very familiar with those technologies to use it. When I went to my EDC3100 class for few days and go through all reading materials that available online. I have understood better now. It talked about how ICT significant in children learning.

    Luke, C. (1999) What next? Toddler netizens, playstation thumb, techno-literacies. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood 1,1, 95-100. Retrieved 23 March 2014, from as cited in Shah, A & 

    Tuesday, 11 March 2014

    What do i learn week 1 class?

    This week Ms Kim goes through today’s lecture decisions what we have to do on our assignment. She taught us step by step of assignment 1 criteria .Firstly we have to create blog and so on. The next step followed she was explain to us each part of these assignment. This assignment has divided to two parts which are part 1 journal and part 2 what is Ict and pedagogy .Why it is important. What the importance of Ict.How Ict can help children learning area? These discussion made us to think about the future generation of  Ict  for children. How we can help them in certain ways to teach Ict technology.

    Monday, 10 March 2014

    Who do I learn about Ict Today?


    What is Ict?

    ICT is not only the future of our children education it is the present and we need to make the investment in ICT now. I found that ict is very important for nowadays generation children learn more benefit things through visual they can engage better. ICT in Education is important! Information and communication technology (ICT) has quickly become one of the basic building blocks of modern society. ICT supports learners but more importantly, it extends the reach of the population in ways we have yet to imagine. ICT connects all areas of the curriculum. The internet can be a powerful resource; if children aren't connected at home school provision becomes even more important. ICT should be seen as a essential skill because if you aren't using it all the time.


    Today is first class of this subject, I was really excited and looking forward to learning about ICT. At the beginning of the class, Ms.Kim our lecturer got each and everyone to do a brief introduction of ourselves to remember the faces of some of our classmates which we may or may not know. It was only later that the class started to the new websites and programs we could use as a form of digital resource using it. I seriously had lot fun through the class and I learn some new things about Ict, create blogger and so on.