Monday, 9 June 2014

Week 15 Post 3 The Power of ICT

We used to know that ICT tools is a source of tools that help us and our children in this 21st century. Through today’s sharing by our lecturer, I learned and aware that ICT makes a great impact in special need children’s life. I came to realised the power to ICT which is inclusive of every individual.
There are 2 videos that I would like to share. The first video is about a boy who has celebral palsy but still interested to create and edit videos, do web design and communicate using the internet with the people around. His ability did not stop him from his interest. He can be found on Twitter.

Week 15 Post 2 New journey educator

Today, I have realized that how ICTs become so important in society nowadays, it is impacting everyone. Of course, there will be pros and cons as well. As educator, although I have learned that integrating ICTs to support children’s learning is important, but I still believe that it always need a balance in using ICTs and traditional way when planning lessons.
The semester has come to an end, it is my last prayer that I will pass this course with a flying color result.

Week 15 Post 1 Are you good teacher?

Strange enough, my last semester in BECH did not ask us to reflect on this matter “What is the definition of a good teacher” (maybe we are expected to know this much earlier)

If I am to describe the profession or quality of a teacher I would say a good teacher is one who brings interests in children’s learning, understands the unique qualities of the child, respect their individual differences, accept their families, prepare, organize and strive to produce children of critical thinkers, shows patience and responsibility in the job

week 14 post 3 Technology integration planing

There are variety of models and frameworks in EDC 3100. Technology Integration Planning (TIP) is one of the models which designed to guide teachers.

What is TIP model?
“The Technology Integration Planning (TIP) Model was designed to give teachers a systematic way to address the challenges involved in integrating technology into teaching (Roblyer, 2003). By carrying out the steps in each of the model’s five phases, teachers perform a set of planning, implementation, and assessment activities that help assure their technology use will be both efficient and successful in meeting the needs they have identified” (Wiencke and Roblyer, 2004 as cited in Jones, 2013).

Week 14 Post 2 blown from google

Do you think Siri from Iphone is cool? Which you can command a phone to do something.
Here is something cooler and mind blown technology from Google named Google Glass! It looks like a pair of spectacle and you wear it like a spectacle. You can command the Google Glass to do things like take a picture on the spot. Just say “take a picture” and it will capture a photo.
You can record what you see without holding it, because you are wearing it. It’s hands-free!
You can even connect to your friends and show them live events!
You can get direction from it as well!
More.. more and MORE!!!
All you need to do is command and Google Glass will do it for you. It’s hands-free, everything happen in the small little glass. It’s so compact and convenient. Watch this video and you will find out a lot more amazing things that Google Glass can do!

Week 14 Post 1 how tablet help in childrens education

Young children are increasingly using tablets as well as smartphones and other devices with touch screens) in early education settings and with family members. This raises important questions, such as when and how these devices can be used with young children.

Intentional choices: Selecting the right tool for the task

Whether choosing a traditional or a new tool, such as a tablet, teachers need a clear understanding of
  • how the tool can meet identified educational and life goals for a child or for a group of children; 
  • the functions of various tools;
  • how to monitor children’s engagement and progress, and adjust tasks accordingly;
  • and the children’s interests and preferences—individually 

Monday, 26 May 2014

Week 13 Post 3 Ipad/Ipod in classroom

Many schools around the world are implementing technology into classroom, iPads or iPods is one of the devices. The device that changed everything is now changing the classroom where learners have another level of learning experience. iPads inspires creativity and hands-on learning with features that can’t find in any other educational tool – on a device that learners are and will explicitly engage and participate in or use. iPads/iPods allows learners to engage with content in an interactive ways, find information in an instant, and access an entire library wherever they go or do.