For me, I believe the measure of success in ICT integration for children’s learning is that children able to enjoy throughout the lesson, due to that, they able to apply their content knowledge that they have learned and make meaning in their learning through different learning experiences. This falls back to the role of teachers.The role of teacher’s in planning learning environment with the integration of ICTs will bring an impact in children’s learning. The success of ICT integration depend on how educators able to utilize ICT as the major support of children’s learning. Integration of ICTs able to enhance teacher’s pedagogical practice and assist student’s learning (Bingimlas, 2009). New technologies also help to increase children motivation in learning (Osborne & Collins, 2000). Teachers should take up the courage to integrate ICTs to achieve the best outcomes in children’s learning.
Bingimlas, K. A. (2009). Barriers to the successful integration of ICT in teaching and learning environments: A review of the literature. Retrieved May 1, 2014 from
Osborne, J., & Collins, S. (2000). Pupils’ and parents’ views of the school science curriculum. London: King’s College London.