Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Week 9 Post 3 Measuring the success of ICTs integration

In one of the learning activities, I have opportunity to share my thoughts about measuring the success of ICT integration.
For me, I believe the measure of success in ICT integration for children’s learning is that children able to enjoy throughout the lesson, due to that, they able to apply their content knowledge that they have learned and make meaning in their learning through different learning experiences. This falls back to the role of teachers.The role of teacher’s in planning learning environment with the integration of ICTs will bring an impact in children’s learning. The success of ICT integration depend on how educators able to utilize ICT as the major support of children’s learning. Integration of ICTs able to enhance teacher’s pedagogical practice and assist student’s learning (Bingimlas, 2009). New technologies also help to increase children motivation in learning (Osborne & Collins, 2000). Teachers should take up the courage to integrate ICTs to achieve the best outcomes in children’s learning.

Bingimlas, K. A. (2009). Barriers to the successful integration of ICT in teaching and learning environments: A review of the literature. Retrieved May 1, 2014 from
Osborne, J., & Collins, S. (2000). Pupils’ and parents’ views of the school science curriculum. London: King’s College London.

Week 9 Post 2 Technologies Foster Short Attentions

As I am doing online research for other assignment, I discovered something interesting that caught my attention about ICTs. Jaffrey Freed, who is the author of Right-Brained Kids in a Left-Brained World, writes that one of the factor for the increased number of children with short attention span is because of our generation children has been saturated with different types of technologies that develop a short attention span. The damage of the focus in the brain in playing computer games or watching too much TV. The constant the sound effects, the flash colors, and changing of images contribute to changing the wiring of the brain by push a left-brained learner towards becoming right-brained learner. He also mentioned further that educational system is designed for the left brained learner, therefore technology as the tool of entertainment is essential to evaluate and observe (Major, 2013)

Week 9 Post 1 E-library

Let’s be honest, now days how many of us are going to library to read or search up for a book? I’m one of them. I feel that its “Old fashion” when we going to library and it is not necessary to go library .Therefore, now everyone carrying an electronic devices, including computers, mobile phones, Ipads and nearly all smartphones that can be used to read E-book. Whenever, the E-readers had their electronic devices, the able to access anywhere rarely, we can see on public transport, classroom even while window shopping. Therefore, now E-readers become requirement for some university and students prefer e-ink or pixel to paper (Institute of Learning Innovation,2013)

Friday, 25 April 2014

Week 8 Post 3 Kids Digital Native

I was scrolling to my peer blog post and found one interesting one and funny post.It is video about new born baby taking a good selfie and it has shown how was our next generation will come up on. Children learn to manipulate gadgets faster than they could say cheese.These days toys are more to technology and more advanced for kids to develop their skill. Children are getting more smarter and smart. 
Just like what Deborah has said it is worked on.When my nephew cried loudly.I will give my ipad to him he would stop crying and he would know that i giving ipad to him to play.


Thursday, 24 April 2014

Week 8 Post 2 Baby Works IPad


Baby working with IPad. Nowaday babies are more amazing and advance to workd with IPad.Babies learn lot through technologies.It is improve them well and also educate in all area too.Toddler could use an ipad like a pro but the reality is that they can pick up things pretty fast. I think it's pretty cool. They are definitely way ahead of the game and as these kids get older, they'll be able to use the ipad to learn school subjects.

Week 8 Post 1 The 5E Learning cycle model

Object, event or question used to engage students.
Connections facilitated between what students know and can do.
Objects and phenomena are explored.
Hands-on activities, with guidance.
Students explain their understanding of concepts and processes.
New concepts and skills are introduced as conceptual clarity and cohesion are sought.
Activities allow students to apply concepts in contexts, and build on or extend understanding and skill.
Students assess their knowledge, skills and abilities. Activities permit evaluation of student development and lesson effectiveness.
This model describes a teaching sequence that can be used for entire programs, specific units and individual lessons. Energy4me lesson plans support the 5E constructivist learning cycle, helping students build their own understanding from experiences and new ideas.
The 5Es represent the five stages of a sequence for teaching and learning: Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaboration and Evaluate. The 5E model was developed by The Biological Science Curriculum Study (BSCS

Sunday, 20 April 2014

Week 7 Post 3 Electronic media good or bad?

Electronic media are keeping children from reading. Is this a fact or myth?
Children today are more attracted to electronic media as this is the technology generation (Donahue, 2009). However, in my opinion, I do not agree that electronic media keeps children from reading. This is because there are so many e-book online. Children may not like to look at a book but with electronic media, they are able to look at video while reading the subtitles that are provided at the bottom of the video. Other than that, there are a lot of applications that encourages children to read such as story application where they show pictures and words.


Friday, 18 April 2014

Week 7 Post 2 How teacher makes changes in technology teaching now

Learning technologies change student-teacher interactions in several ways, but there’s one specifically that really stands out and makes the most difference in our classrooms. Technology has an especially strong effect in the 1:1 classroom, since the students are so in touch with their technology.
Tony Wagner, the first Innovation Education Fellow at the Technology & Entrepreneurship Center at Harvard, and the founder and co-director of the Change Leadership Group at the Harvard Graduate School of Education for more than a decade, recently talked about this in his article ’Graduating All Students Innovation Ready‘..

Technology and the Changing Roles of Teachers

Week 7 Post 1 ICT GAMES

Through these games children learn very fast n quickly. Train up your memory by playing this matching game. You should use as few tries as possible in order to score high marks.Growing a number of resources that student have offered to them at their fingertips now, such as the web and technology,that learning is becoming easier and a lot more enjoyable. This lead youngster to discover even when they don't comprehend that they are carry out so at the time .Children can problem solve, can imagine and represent things in a way that is meaningful to them then it begins the mark making and meaningful representations on .

Matching  Games

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Week 6 Post 3 Bloom Taxanomy

  • Cognitive: mental skills (Knowledge)
  • Affective: growth in feelings or emotional areas (Attitude or self)
  • Psychomotor: manual or physical skills (Skills)

  • Let’s use Blooms Taxanomy as a guide, we can see that theknowledge  as an example for constructing knowledge. The key words in “knowledge” is just within defining, name, record and more. It is just to build the knowledge upon the child. For transforming knowledge, we use “synthesize” as an example. Some of the main key words includes compose, create and design. This determines that children will not only be absorbing the knowledge but also apply new knowledge when they are able to compose, create and more. This  also ensures me that children will learn effectively if both of this knowledge were used during teaching and learning.

    Week 6 Post 2 What is 3D printing?

    What is 3D printing?
    Here is the summary of what is 3D printing and what’s it for?
    1. Health and medicine
    2. Architecture
    3. High-end manufacturing
    4. Education
    5. Retail
    I was asking myself What if there are no ICT use in our daily life? How we going live? Who is going to do our work? How our children learning going to be fun and interesting? How we going to secure the sick people?
    Therefore, we have to thankful to technology that it helping us in different field thus,nowadays the technology tools are been upgraded time to time which make our life easier.

    Week 6 Post 1 what is Google?

    While, I doing my blog, my  Friends ask what this word means, I just tell her wait a minute, let me Google for you to get the meaning. She laughs and said who the people create the Google? and the day before, I was asking her about a few phone feature and she just told me  just Google it, the information just on your fingertips. Therefore, we think Google smarter than us and know the exact answer even, the place directions. I feel that Google have made our life easier and the answer at our fingertips. There is no life without Google. Google really make our work less and even making us lazy to think.Help us lot 

    Sunday, 6 April 2014

    Week 5 Post 1 Unit Plan

    These week I have to start preparing for my assignment two for next few weeks which is unit plan for children as a requirement of the assignment 2. While, I browsing activities for my unit plan online, I feel that ICT play an important role in child and teacher. Previously, I feel ICT bring disadvantages to the children . Start from today, I have change my perspective, that ICT make student’s life easier to learn and get information anywhere and anytime thus, this make the child to be creative  a problem solver and good thinker.