Sunday, 30 March 2014

Assignment 1 Part 2 Presentation

I use prezi to present my part 2 presentation.Click on the link below to go to the presentation:

Thank you.

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Week 4 post 3 21 century How Technologies look.

 For this week I was thinking about 21 century how technologies look. I wonder how my classroom will look like in the future. Putting this into the main priority, I as an educator have to update myself because; there will be a big competition between us and the technology. This is where the children teaching and learning process will be in a digital. The classroom will be updated with ICT’s equipment such as smart board, computer, digital camera, and interactive board. So children will get chance to learn well by sound, picture and with more technologies bases.

Week 4 post 2 What I understand about TPACK

What I understand about Techological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) is the interplay of three primary forms of knowledge: Content (CK),Pedagogy (PK),and Technology (TK).It shows that technology integrate and negate the relationship this three components of knowledge. This model “to describe how teachers’ understanding of technologies and pedagogical content knowledge interact with one another to produce effective teaching with technology.” (Koehler and Mishra. 2008:12) The complexity of developing and applying TPACK will put a greater emphasis on teachers becoming “curriculum designers.” (Koehler and Mishra. 2008:3).

Through these link we will understand better about TPCAK in 2 minutes.

Thinking Creatively: Teachers as Designers of Content, Technology and Pedagogy
by Punya Mishra and Matthew J. Koehler

Monday, 24 March 2014

Week 4 post 1 Constructing Knowledge and Transforming Knowledge

These weeks I have learned about two terms which constructing knowledge and transforming knowledge some explanation and read up, I have a good understanding and does it mean. It just brainstorms activity for our assignment two for unit plan. From my understanding, Constructing Knowledge is as a teacher, what we the students to know, they suppose to know and understanding. However, Transforming Knowledge is as a teacher, we want the students to apply and transform their knowledge. These two knowledge help teacher lot for their need.

Week 3 post 3 Assignment 1 part 2 discussion

These week lecture has discuss with us about assignment 1 part 2 topic. In group of pair she ask us to choose one subject , theme or topic ,asking us to discuss How you teach these  theme/subject to them , what material will use to teach them, how  do you use  ICT to teach them these subject/theme  and why do you choose these tools material to teach. All these question asking us to think lot and at last we are able to come with the answer, reason, why and what. Through these activities I have understand to do my assignment 1 part 2 question. These activities help me to solve my question.

Week 3 post 2 Why we need to teach technology in school?

Once of online reading I have found about ICT. I agree with Siraj-Blatchord and Siraj-Blacthford (2006) on the four key areas of ICT use in early childhood. One of the elements that children develop in using ICT as learning tools is communication and collaboration which require the students to communicate with each other in order to problem solve. Furthermore these videos believe to be ICT is more important for school nowadays. Technology prepare student to live in the future. It is also engage student, besides this, children develop their creative skills through socio-dramatic play, they can try new things and activate their own creativity.


Week 3 post 1 How ICT support children's learning

As I go through this week’s reading material I have come to believe that without ICTs children may not able to increase their literacy development. Children learn more things through ICT it has support children learning development as well their cognitive development too.On my other hand children should have their won initiative to develop their own personal skill.Papert suggests that a computer may only assist a child to “to think about thinking” (Papert, 1980 as cited in Kalaš, 2010). The integration ICTs in teaching can help revitalize teachers and students’ .Thus it help developing in education area for them.


Papert, S. (1980). Mindstorms: Children, computers and powerful ideas, New York, Basic Books. As cited in Kalaš, I. (2010). Recognizing the potential of ICT in early childhood education. Retrieved March 24th, 2014 from

Week 2 post 3 Developing software

I have been exploring the Toolbelt Theory and i feel that we should teach our children how to analyse a task and how to control the problem and developing tool belt. Even i do not know how to use this software but I’m giving myself a try as best I can to improve my skill so I might be able to learn something from here and also help my children how to used it.

Week 2 post 2 Different technologies

Every week I’m learning many of new things to update. For this week I have learn how to use different technologies to teach children. We can use prezi to teach them and my voice treads and so on.  As an educator we should develop our own personal learning network to update our self with the information that is being updated from time to time thus, sharing ideas and thoughts with people within the same field or interest all around the world with them. All my friends from BECH groups have set up a facebook group page to update information about EDC3100 and share about their idea here. I felt that there so many things to discover about ICT to teach children.

                                                       Different usage of technologies

Sunday, 23 March 2014


 In today’s world technology are more important things for children to use. According to Luke (1999), “Children’s early literacy and play experiences are shaped increasingly by electronic media. By including technologies teaching and learning children are able to understand well more clearly and these support children learning and development stages. Using ICTs now for young children not being new for them, they was exploring themselves without anyone assistance like iPad and iPhone. Even I have known about Ict technologies I’m not very familiar with those technologies to use it. When I went to my EDC3100 class for few days and go through all reading materials that available online. I have understood better now. It talked about how ICT significant in children learning.

Luke, C. (1999) What next? Toddler netizens, playstation thumb, techno-literacies. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood 1,1, 95-100. Retrieved 23 March 2014, from as cited in Shah, A & 

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

What do i learn week 1 class?

This week Ms Kim goes through today’s lecture decisions what we have to do on our assignment. She taught us step by step of assignment 1 criteria .Firstly we have to create blog and so on. The next step followed she was explain to us each part of these assignment. This assignment has divided to two parts which are part 1 journal and part 2 what is Ict and pedagogy .Why it is important. What the importance of Ict.How Ict can help children learning area? These discussion made us to think about the future generation of  Ict  for children. How we can help them in certain ways to teach Ict technology.

Monday, 10 March 2014

Who do I learn about Ict Today?


What is Ict?

ICT is not only the future of our children education it is the present and we need to make the investment in ICT now. I found that ict is very important for nowadays generation children learn more benefit things through visual they can engage better. ICT in Education is important! Information and communication technology (ICT) has quickly become one of the basic building blocks of modern society. ICT supports learners but more importantly, it extends the reach of the population in ways we have yet to imagine. ICT connects all areas of the curriculum. The internet can be a powerful resource; if children aren't connected at home school provision becomes even more important. ICT should be seen as a essential skill because if you aren't using it all the time.


Today is first class of this subject, I was really excited and looking forward to learning about ICT. At the beginning of the class, Ms.Kim our lecturer got each and everyone to do a brief introduction of ourselves to remember the faces of some of our classmates which we may or may not know. It was only later that the class started to the new websites and programs we could use as a form of digital resource using it. I seriously had lot fun through the class and I learn some new things about Ict, create blogger and so on.